Out With the Old

Out With the Old

The first time I heard the term “limiting beliefs” was in a self-paced coaching group I joined at the start of COVID. It’s fairly self-explanatory, but it finally gave a name to a concept we’ve all heard at one time or another. Out with the old, in with the new.

I like using limiting beliefs when talking about this topic. It highlights the fact that these are things (read: beliefs) that are holding us back. Simply put, they’re the roadblocks we’ve put up in our own minds.

Sometimes out old beliefs or ideas that used to serve us no longer do. And, in fact, they hold us back from reaching our full potential.

I figured there’s no better time to dive into it than at the start of a new year. New year, new you, and all that.

Easier Said Than Done

It’s one thing to recognize you need to update your thoughts and beliefs. It’s entirely different to actually replace them with new ones.

Clearly, this is one of those things that fall under the “easier said than done” umbrella. But like anything worth doing (or wanting), the work is absolutely worth it.

So, how do we do it? Basically, to get rid of your old beliefs, you need to replace them with new ones.

Step One- Identify the Old

As with most personal development, it all starts with internal reflection.

Think about the last time you went to do something, but chickened out. Or a project you started but never finished. Then, start asking yourself why.

Why did you chicken out?

Why didn’t you finish?

There is always some underlying belief that dictates those actions. For me, I’m great at brainstorming the next great idea, but give up before implementing it. And when I ask myself why, it comes back to both the fear of failure and the fear of success. Why am I scared of failure and success? Failure because it confirms the belief that I’m not good enough. And success because I belief I’m not good enough, not deserving.

I can easily say this step is the hardest. It takes quite a bit of self-reflection and highlights some of our biggest insecurities. But, once you’ve identified them, you can begin to throw out the old.

Step Two- Pick Something New

A lot of times, the new belief or thought pattern is the opposite of your current one. But that’s not always the case. This is your opportunity to decide what thoughts you want taking up residence in your brain.

You decide.

It’s worth repeating. You decide. We can’t always control the random thoughts that flit through our heads, but we can choose which ones take root.

Step Three- Let ‘Em Burn

This is where “out with the old” comes into play.

I personally like this step to be a physical manifestation of this process. Meaning, I do something that visually represents this concept of releasing or removing the old thoughts.

There are so many different way s you can do this, but let me share my all time favorite with you.

Let ’em burn.

And, yes, it’s exactly what it sounds like. Write down the old belief or though pattern on a scrap of paper. Then, light it on fire.

I would highly recommend doing this over a sink or trash can. Or you can turn it into a whole thing by making a bonfire and releasing your limiting beliefs into its flames.

What’s Next?

Limiting beliefs are one of the many topics we dive into in my alcohol free group (Shine Your Sober Light) and on my socials. So, if you’re not following me already… get to it!