The Blog

Wisdom from the blog

The wisdom of the blog

I‘m not afraid to stir the pot, to speak my mind, to share the truth… The way to do that? The blog.

It started as an annoying teenage desire to agitate family and friends and everyone around me. And, naturally, I didn’t get enthusiastic feedback.

You know how it goes. Girl heard herself described as “difficult” or “too loud” or something along those lines. Girl internalized said comments. Girl begins to dim her light and hide her authentic self.

Until one day, girl decides she ‘s too damn tired (at the ripe old age of 30) to pretend to be anyone other than herself. Then, girl embraces her chaos and uses it to disrupt outdated thinking patterns, to get people thinking.

I absolutely whirl in and out of every situation, leaving chaos in my wake. But, consider this- if we always stay quiet and confined to the little boxes society tells us to stay inside, will anything change?

More than sobriety

I love writing and, in a complete 180o from who I was just a few years ago, I actually enjoy sharing my story (especially with the layer of anonymity the internet provides). Hence, the blog.

And, before you ask, I write about everything and anything, not just sobriety-related topics. Why? Sobriety is just the beginning, it’s the preface to the story of your life. Rather than dwelling on the past, I choose to look forward. And my writing reflects that.

My writing covers the future, personal and professional growth, finding your purpose, setting goals, navigating life, mindfulness… and I have a hell of a lot more in store.

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    No One Did It Until They Did

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