Month: February 2023

Sobriety (n).

Sobriety (n).

Sobriety (n). akin to a choose your own adventure book What comes to mind when you hear the word sobriety? For me… We have to start with a bit of context. Do you remember those books where you got to choose what happened next? The  …keep reading

She Would Never

She Would Never

I set a motto for myself this year: she would never. How did I decide? Well, let me start at the beginning. In early 2021, my then husband told me he was unhappy and then he moved out of the house we shared. He said  …keep reading

Yes, I Opted Out of AA

Yes, I Opted Out of AA

Alcoholics Anonymous (aa). I imagined it would be just like it is in the movies. People sitting in uncomfortable and mismatched plastic chairs, drinking burnt coffee, and listening to someone talk about the worst moments of their life. In my mind, it would be held  …keep reading